4142Structure of the Construction Industry

Institutions that intervene
MF, Autonomous Communities (Comunidad Foral de Navarra, País Vasco), INE.
Works that will be carried out in the year 2007
  • Management and coordination.
  • Validation, filtering and correcting of errors in the information received in the 2005 survey, between January and March, and updating of files from the 2005 sample and of economic data (in questionnaires).
  • Analysis of the information received and creation of the sample tables with the main variables and statistical macro-magnitudes in April and May. Dispatch of information to the INE.
  • Calculation of the raising coefficients.
  • Request 2006 sample from the INE, in May.
  • Imputation and presentation of sample data to the universe (national total), obtaining of results for 2005 survey at the end of the first quarter and dispatch of the latter to INE and Eurostat.
  • Dissemination of results in the second quarter.
  • Updating and adapting of the 2006 sample sent by the INE for creation of the MF sample in June.
  • Design of questionnaires, road maps, and instructions in June and July.
  • Preparation of the material needed to perform the 2006 survey and dissemination of questionnaires in September.
  • Adaptation and updating of computer applications.
  • Organisation and training of the field teams, verification, recording and validation in the third quarter.
  • Request for and collection of information for the 2006 survey, during the fourth quarter.
  • Recording and verification of information received, updating of the 2006 file sample and creation of 2006 data files, in the fourth quarter.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2007  (in thousands euros)


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