4651Statistical Use of the Infrastructure and Local Equipment Database (SILE)

Institutions that intervene
MAP, provincial town councils, regional and insular councils, uniprovincial autonomous communities and Generalidad de Cataluña. País Vasco and Navarra do not undertake the survey.
Works that will be carried out in the year 2008
  • Continuous updating of the information collected in the SILE, in compliance with the agreements made by the Working Group, created by the resolution, dated 11 November 2004, of the General Directorate for Local Cooperation, on the updating and maintenance of the Infrastructure.
  • Extension of the website for MAP, local socio-economic information. This project aims to include in the aforementioned section, lists of EIEL data corresponding to 2000 and 2005 in addition to the possibility of downloading these. There are two versions, one for simple to understand queries and another that provides statistical operations.
  • Compilation of statistical data from the SILE, to be consulted on the MAFF website.
  • Continue with the digitalisation process of the Survey data, referring to infrastructure and equipment of those Entities that had not done so throughout 2007.
  • Correction of possible validations problems of the SILE 2007-2008.
  • Continue with the second year of the framework collaboration agreement between the MAP and the Jaen provincial town council to development the programme of Jaen 21 activation measures with the aim of completing the digitalisation of all territorial municipalities in the province of Jaen for EIEL and renewal or acquisition of aspects comprising the GIS.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2008  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet