5566Flows of residence permits granted to foreign nationals

Institutions that intervene
MTIN, Directorate General for the Police and the Civil Guard (MINT).
Works that will be carried out in the year 2010
Use of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (Directorate General for the Police and the Civil Guard) in order to obtain the statistics on the flow statistics of residence permits, study stay permits and registration certificates corresponding to foreign citizens
Dissemination of the data from the year 2009, no later than 31 December 2010
The Directorate General for the Police and the Civil Guard supplies the microdata files regarding the events (applications, grantings, denials, expiries, etc.) relating to residence permits, study stay permits and registration certificates corresponding to foreign citizens, which have taken place during the reference month. The files are supplied within the 7 days following the end of the corresponding month.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2010  (in thousands euros)


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