5395Pharmaceutical Consumption of Medical Prescriptions of the National Health System and of the Administrative Mutual-type Insurance

Institutions that intervene
MSCO, Health services of all of the Autonomous Communities, Ingesa, MUFACE, ISFAS and MUGEJU.
Works that will be carried out in the year 2011
Collection of the following invoicing data for medical prescriptions: province; month and year; pharmacy number; prescription regime; national medication code, health product or self-adhesive label code or stamp as pertinent; retail price; number of packages; invoicing group; prescription number; year of birth of the patient and sex (when available).
Issue of listings and monthly and annual reports on the consumption of pharmaceutical products in compliance with section five of the Final second provision of Royal Decree - Law 4/2010, of 26 March, on the rationalisation of pharmaceutical expenditure by the National Health System. The Health Services of all of the Autonomous Communities and Ingesta will submit, to the Directorate General for Pharmacy and Health Products (MSPI), the information regarding the total number of prescriptions invoiced, by Autonomous Community and total cash expenditure, prior to the 18th of the month following that corresponding to the invoicing, pursuant to the agreement of the Commission for Pharmacy Management of the SNS Interterritorial Council, of 10 June 1997, for compiling the Provisional Preview of the invoicing data of National Health System prescriptions.
As a result of the integration of the information systems, the Health Services of all of the Autonomous Communities and Ingesta must load and submit the data collected in the invoicing of official Social Security prescriptions from each one of its provinces, through the "ALCANTARA" application, via a health Intranet, as of the 20th of the month following that to which the invoicing corresponds, and depending on the deadlines established in its respective agreements with the pharmacy offices. The aggregated information resulting from the processing of the prescriptions that may be invoiced to the National Health System are obtained monthly, using the computer files, submitted via the application
The MUFACE, ISFAS and MUGEJU entities submit, to the Directorate General for Pharmacy and Health Products, the monthly files corresponding to the general summary of the invoicing of the prescriptions from each Mutual-type Insurance, with the data on the number of prescriptions, total pharmaceutical cash expenditure and average expenditure per prescription, broken down by province and Autonomous Community. In addition, the monthly files on the recording of prescriptions, with the fields (Province, month, year, pharmacy, invoicing group, national code, PVP, packages and prescription identification number)
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2011  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet