Metadata Sub-indicator Household final consumption expenditure and non-profit institutions serving households - NPISH (interannual variation rate)
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Target 17.13. Enhance global macroeconomic stability, including through policy coordination and policy coherence
Indicator 17.13.1. Macroeconomic Dashboard
Sub-indicator Household final consumption expenditure and non-profit institutions serving households - NPISH (interannual variation rate)
- Global
Year-on-year variation rate of the GCFH (Final Household Consumption Expenditure) in terms of chained volume.
\[ TV(GCFH¿)^{t}=(\frac{GCFH _{Encadenado}^t}{GCFH¿^{t-1}_{Encadenado}}-1) \cdot 100 \]Where: \(GCFH _{Encadenado}^t\)is the final consumption expenditure of households in terms of volume chained in year t and \(GCFH¿^{t-1}_{Encadenado}\)is the final consumption expenditure of households in terms of volume chained in year t-1.
Tier I
Quarterly National Accounts of Spain: main aggregates (QNA) (ISO code: 30024)
World Bank