/ Population characteristics

Growth of the population as compared to 2001
An almost generalize increase but uneven... During the last ten years there has been a rise in the population in every Autonomous Community, although it has been distributed unevenly, being the islands and the East Coast the areas with the greatest growth, whilst in the North-West of the peninsula the rise was slighter.
Further information in the Press release
Foreign National Population
It shows an increase in every Autonomous Community.... The number of Foreign National increases in every Autonomous Community as compared to the previous census. In some cases, as in Illes Balears, Región de Murcia, Comunitat Valenciana or Cataluña the percentage of Foreign Nationals as compared to the population of its Autonomous Community is higher than 15%.
Further information in the Press release
Age of the population
An aged country... The great arrival of foreign population (mainly younger than the Spanish population) has not avoid that in these last ten years since the last population census the mean age has increased in 1.5 years.
Further information in the Press release