Census 2011 Census 2001 Variation (%)
Total population 46,815,916 40,847,371 14.6
Men 23,104,303 20,012,882 15.4
Women 23,711,613 20,834,489 13.8
Population in group est. 444,101 233,347 90.3
Buildings 9,814,785 8,661,183 13.3
Dwellings (total) 25,208,623 20,946,554 20.3
Empty dwellings 3,443,365 3,106,422 10.8
Households 18,083,692 14,187,169 27.5

Detailed results (Press release 12th Dec. 2013)
Population in group establishments (Press release 07th May 2013)
Buildings and Dwelings (Press release 18th April 2013)
Population (Press release 14th December 2012)

The Population and Housing Censuses have been carried out with reference date 1 November 2011, being these the statistics operation with the greatest magnitude. It has been conducted by INE every ten years since the end of the 20th Century. This research allows to:

  • The persons: sex, age, nationality, level of education, professional status, migrations and mobilty,...
  • The households: size, composition, couple and family nucleus...
  • The buildings: number of floors, state of the building, year of construction...
  • The dwellings: tenancy regime, area, number of rooms,...

INE figures. Census 2011. A new stage in demographic statistics