Electoral Census
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Economic activity, employment and unemployment
Economically Active Population Survey
Economically Active Population Survey. Annual Tables. Year 2004
National results. Employed
Employed by branch of activity, sex and unit.
thousands of persons
Select values to consult
Branch of activity
Values that contain
A Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry
01 Agriculture, livestock, hunting and related activities
02 Forestry, forestry operation and related activities
B Fishing
05 Fishing, aquiculture and related activities
C Extractive industries
CA Extraction of energy products
10 Extraction and agglomeration of anthracite, coal, lignite and peat
11 Extraction of petroleum and natural gas and related service activities, except prospecting
12 Extraction of uranium and thorium ores
CB Extraction of other ores except energy products
13 Extraction of metal ores
14 Extraction of non-metallic, non-energetic ores
D Manufacturing industries
DA Food, beverage and tobacco industry
15 Food and beverage product industry
16 Tobacco industry
DB Textile and clothing industry
17 Textile industry
18 Clothes making and furriery industry
DC Leather and footwear industry
19 Leather industry leather and travel articles saddlery, harness and footwear articles
DD Wood and cork industry
20 Wood and cork industry, except furniture basketmaking and wickerwork
DE Paper industry publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports
21 Paper industry
22 Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports
DF Manufacture of coke, refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels
23 Manufacture of coke, refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels
DG Chemical Industry
24 Chemical Industry
DH Rubber and plastic material transformation industry
25 Rubber and plastic material transformation industry
DI Other non-metallic ore products industries
26 Manufacture of other non-metallic ore products
DJ Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products
27 Metallurgy
28 Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment
DK Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry
29 Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry
DL Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry
30 Manufacture of office machines and IT equipment
31 Manufacture of electrical machinery and material
32 Manufacture of electronic material manufacture of radio equipment and apparatus, TV and communications
33 Manufacture of precision, optical and clockwork medico-surgical equipment and instruments
DM Manufacture of transport material
34 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
35 Manufacture of other transport material
DN Various manufacturing industries
36 Manufacture of furniture other manufacturing industries
37 Recycling
E Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water
40 Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water
41 Collection, purification and distribution of water
F Construcción
45 Construction
G Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and domestic use articles
50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles. retail sale of fuels for same.
51 Wholesale trade and brokerage, except motor vehicles and motocycles.
52 Retail trade, except motor vehicles and motorcycles. repair of personal effects and domestic articles.
H Catering
55 Catering
I Transport, storage and communications
60 Land transport pipeline transport
61 Maritime, cabotage and in-land waterway transport
62 Air and space transport
63 Activities annexed to transport travel agencies activities
64 Post and telecommunications
J Financial intermediation
65 Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds
66 Insurance and pension funds, except compulsory social security
67 Financial intermediation auxiliary activities
K Real estate and rental activities business services
70 Real estate activities
71 Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods.
72 IT activities
73 Research and development
74 Other business activities
L Public Administration, defence and compulsory social security
75 Public Administration, defence and compulsory social security
M Education
80 Education
N Health and veterinary activities, social services
85 Health and veterinary activities, social services
O Other social activities and services provided to the community personal services
90 Public health activities
91 Associated activities
92 Recreational, cultutal and sporting activities
93 Various personal services activities
P Household activities
95 Household activities as employers domestic personnel
Q Extraterritorial institutions
99 Extraterritorial institutions
Values that contain
both sexes
Values that contain
absolute value
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Branch of activity
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Source:National Statistics Institute