Measurement of domestic and inbound tourism using mobile phone positioning Measurement of inbound tourism using mobile phone positioning

Number of tourists, overnight stays and average monthly duration by continent, country of residence or group of countries.

Units: Days, Overnight stays, Travels
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:3
    • Selected:1
  • Choose format of the table
      • Touristic concept
      • Continent and country of residence
      • Period
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  • Notes ( 3 )
    • The January - April 2022 data series have been revised
    • Following Eurostat's recommendations, the series for Europe and Asia have been revised in the 3 March, 2023 publication to include Turkey in Europe rather than Asia
    • The ¿Netherlands¿ historic series data was revised on 01/09/2023. This revision can affect the national totals, of Autonomous Communities, provinces and municipalities.
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