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Population figures. Final data on 1 January 2022 and provisional data on 1 July 2022 18 November 2022

The resident population in Spain increased by 182,141 persons during the first half of 2022, standing at 47,615,034 inhabitants.The growth was due to a positive migratory balance of 258,547 people, which offset a negative vegetative balance of 75,409 people.

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Population resident in Spain
Indicator Note Value Variación semestral
Total population 1 47,615,034 0.38
Men 1 23,310,627 0.32
Women 1 24,304,407 0.45
Foreign nationals 1 5,579,947 3.19
  • The sum of disaggregated data may differ from the total due to rounding.
    • Data for 1 de julio de 2022 (Provisional value)
Latest data
01/07/2022 Published: 18/11/2022
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Did you know...?

The Population Figures provide a quantitative measurement of the population resident in Spain, in each Autonomous Community, in each province and on each island (in the island province), broken down according to basic demographic characteristics, such as sex, year of birth, age, nationality and country of birth. The population series is obtained from the intercensus population estimates for the 1971-2012 period, and from the Population Figures operation from 2012 onward.

This data is used as reference population figures in all of the statistical operations of the INE (surveys, National Accounts, indicators, etc.) and is transmitted on an international level as the official population data for Spain, for all intents and purposes.