30229Índice de Precios de Alojamientos de Turismo Rural

Department responsible
National Statistics Institute
Executing unit
General Directorate of Economic Statistics - General Subdirectorate of Statistics of Economic Sectors
Participation of other institutions
Type of operation
Statistics presented mainly in the form of indexes
Sector or subject
Subsector or subsubject
Prices of the different sectoral activities
Secondary sector or subject
Catering and tourism
Breakdown level
Methodology of data collection methodology
Obtaining statistical data by means of list by sampling
Form of data collection
Autolisting, whether by mail or any other form
Overall objective
Obtención de un indicador mensual que mida la evolución de los precios de alojamiento en establecimientos de turismo rural, medido desde el punto de vista de la oferta
Study variables
Precio de una habitación (o vivienda completa) por día, sin incluir el IVA
Classification variables
Tarifa entre semana y tarifa en fin de semana; modalidad de alquiler: uso compartido y uso completo
Type of dissemination
Periodicity of dissemination
Periodicity of data collection
Type of operation
Habitaciones dobles y/o viviendas completas
Administrative sources
No aplicable
Dictated by the High Council on Statistics
Sí - En la reunión de la Comisión Permanente del CSE de 6-10-2010
These are European statistics, according to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009

History sheet