Agriculture and environment
Statistical operations periodically compiled by the INE Latest data Farm Structure Survey Year 2016 Agricultural Census Year 2020 Statistical operations with no established frequency or that the INE has ceased to compile Latest data Survey on Production Methods in Agricultural Operations 2009 Year 2009 - Operations compiled by other institutions from the national statistical system
- Six-monthly Survey on cattle and its dairy production
- Short-term Prices for Livestock Products
- Annual survey on Sheep and goats livestock and their Dairy Production
- Monthly and annual incubation room surveys
- Monthly Survey of the slaughter of livestock in slaughterhouses
- Annual Statistics on Wool, Honey and other Livestock Productions
- Monthly previews of Agricultural Areas and Production
- Yearly Survey of Areas and Crop Yields
- Annual Statistics of Woodcuts
- Annual Statistics of Other Forestry Exploitations
- Monthly and Yearly Average National Prices and Indices received by Farmers
- Monthly and Yearly Average National Prices and Indices paid by Farmers
- Monthly and Annual Average National Farmers Salaries and Indices
- Spanish Farm Accountancy Network (SFAN)
- National Economic Accounts of Agriculture
- Regional Economic Accounts of Agriculture
- Survey on Use of Means of Production
- Statistics on Annual and Forestry Projects Proceedings
- National Economic Accounts of Forestry
- Hunting Annual Statistic
- Monthly Statistics of Agricultural Machinery Registrations
- Monthly Statistic on Consumption of Fertilizers in Agriculture
- Balances of Wine Supplies
- National Wood Balance
- Statistics of Production and Marketing of Forest Reproductive Material
- Annual Statistics on Areas and Production of Crops
- National Forestry Inventory
- National Inventory of the Condition of the Forests
- Statistics on Sustainable Forest Management
- Survey on use of Phytosanitary Products
- Four-monthly Survey of Pig Livestock
Statistical operations periodically compiled by the INE Latest data Statistics on the Use of Water Year 2018 Surveys on Water Supply and Sewerage Year 2022 - Operations compiled by other institutions from the national statistical system
Waste and Environmental protection
Statistical operations periodically compiled by the INE Latest data Statistics on Environmental Protection Activities Year 2022 Surveys on Waste Generation Year 2021 Statistics on the Collection and Treatment of Waste Year 2021 Waste accounts Serie 2015-2021 - Operations compiled by other institutions from the national statistical system
Environmental accounts
Statistical operations periodically compiled by the INE Latest data Air Emissions Accounts Serie 2008-2022 Material flow accounts serie 2008-2022 Physical energy flow accounts Serie 2015-2021 Expenditure on environment protection serie 2010-2022 Environmental goods and services accounts serie 2014-2022 Environmental tax account Serie 2008-2022 Waste accounts Serie 2015-2021 Other environmental accounts Year 2016
Other environmental operations
Statistical operations with no established frequency or that the INE has ceased to compile Latest data Survey on Households and the Environment 2008 Year 2008 Sustainable Development Indicators Year 2008 - Operations compiled by other institutions from the national statistical system
- Statistic of Forest fires
- National Inventory of the Condition of the Forests
- National Inventory of Soil Erosion
- Corine Land Cover Project of the Corine Programme (EU)
- Meterophenologic Variables Statistics
- Interest or Natural Spaces
- Air quality Statistic
- Inventory of Atmospheric Contaminant Emissions
- Information System of Land Occupation in Spain (ISLOS)