User Satisfaction Surveys

The INE conducts user surveys in order to know their opinion and degree of satisfaction with statistics, as well as to detect new information needs.

The surveys correspond to two main categories:

A. Surveys on global satisfaction with statistical production

The INE conducts this type of surveys once every three years.

A notable feature of these surveys is that they are used (among other objectives) as a base and orientation in the process of strategic planning of the INE. For example, the 2010 survey was one of the references for the 2013-2016 National Statistical Plan and the 2013 survey served as input to the development of the 2017-2020 Plan.

Thus, one of the main principles of the quality systems and the European Statistics Code of Practice is complied with: Taking care of users as a basic element of the statistical system.

  • 2019 User Satisfaction Survey (USS2019)

  • 2016 User Satisfaction Survey (USS2016)

    • The 2016 User Satisfaction Survey (ESU2016) introduces some improvements and innovations with respect to previous research such as: incorporation of users from international organisations; inclusion of a question that weights the quality dimensions for users, which allows the calculation of a satisfaction index; and conducting a specific survey targeted at the media.
    • Report on the 2016 User Satisfaction Survey
  • 2013 User Satisfaction Survey (USS2013)

    • In 2013, the INE conducted a new Satisfaction Survey (USS2013) adapting the questionnaire to the updated version (2011) of the Code of Practice and the last recommendations and methodology established for these researches at European level.
    • Report on the 2013 User Satisfaction Survey
  • 2010 Structured Consultation (SC2010)

    • In 2010, the INE conducted a survey to a wide range of qualified users of official statistics with the purpose of carrying out an assessment of the Statistical System and gathering proposals to improve the quality of said statistics. This operation was called Structured Consultation.
      The consultation assesses the quality of the official statistics of the State Administration, that is, both statistics conducted by the INE and those produced by the ministerial departments. The conceptual framework for the assessment of the quality is mainly based on the definitions of the European Statistics Code of Practice.
    • Report on the 2010 Survey (Structured Consultation)
  • 2007 User Satisfaction Survey (USS2007)

    • The survey is part of the works conducted in the INE after the adoption of the European Statistics Code of Practice.

      Its goal was to assess the perception of qualified users of INE statistics about the quality of the information they use.

    • Report on 2007 User Satisfaction Survey

B. Surveys on dissemination of statistics

In addition to the surveys on satisfaction with statistical production, the INE has conducted surveys on specific dissemination services and products:

- INE Information Services user satisfaction survey: Report on the degree of satisfaction of users; (October- November 2008).

- Survey on the Statistical Yearbook 2008: Users views regarding the Statistical Yearbook 2008.

- Survey on the Spain in Figures 2008: Users views regarding the Spain in Figures 2008.