- Main series since 1941
Detailed results. 2010-2023 series.
Detailed results. Previous years
Latest data
Year 2023
Published: 20/11/2024
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- Marriage Indicators
- First-Marriage Indicators
Latest data
Año 2023 Publicado:20/11/2024
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The INE is not responsible for the results that the recipients of the data obtain from these files based on their own calculations. In addition, recipients undertake to cite, in any publication derived therefrom, the INE as the primary data source (source: INE, www.ine.es), as well as the fact that the degree of accuracy or reliability of the information derived from the authors' own calculations is the sole responsibility of the authors themselves.
- Methodology
- Questionnaires: Marriage Statistical Bulletin: 1975-1987, 1988-1992, 1993, 2005, since 2008
Years 2016 to last available
- Notice about the format of microdata files since 2016 Se facilita un archivo comprimido que contiene los ficheros de microdatos preparados para ser tratados directamente con R, SAS, SPSS, STATA y con cualquier otro programa utilizando las versiones TXT o CSV.
- Notice on microdata files 2022 On July 24, 2024, the variables level of education, relationship with activity and occupation for the year 2022 were published.
- Register design and valid variable values
Years 2008 to 2015
- Register design and valid variable values (WORD ZIP file)
Years 2005 a 2007
- Register design and valid variable values (WORD ZIP file)
Years 1994 a 2004
- Register design and valid variable values (WORD ZIP file)
Years 1989 a 1993
- Register design and valid variable values (WORD ZIP file)
Years 1980 a 1988
- Register design and valid variable values (WORD ZIP file)
Years 1976 a 1979
- Register design and valid variable values (WORD ZIP file)