- Methods and Projects
- Standards and Classifications
Standardised Methodological Report

Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence
- 1Contact
- 1.1Contact organisation
National Statistics Institute of Spain
- 1.5Contact mail address
Avenida de Manoteras 50-52 - 28050 Madrid
- 1.1Contact organisation
- 2Metadata update
- 2.1Metadata last certified
- 2.2Metadata last posted
- 2.3Metadata last update
- 2.1Metadata last certified
- 3Statistical presentation
- 3.1Data description
Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence provide annual data on the socio-demographic characteristics of the victims (with protective orders or interim measures ordered) and the persons accused of domestic or gender violence. Additional information is also provided on interim measures ordered and punishable criminal offences. Furthermore, from 2015 information is also published concerning convicted persons in final judgements.
It consists in statistics whose source of information is the Central Register for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims , ownership of the Ministry of Justice and the information refers to matters with interim measures ordered, recorded in the Register throughout the reference year. And from 2015 is also refered to final judgements.
Main socio-demographic characteristics researched on victims or accused or convicted persons: sex, age, place of birth and type of relationship between the victim and the accused person.
- 3.2Classification system
- Comunidades y Ciudades Autónomas
01 Andalucía
02 Aragón
03 Asturias, Principado de
04 Balears, Illes
05 Canarias
06 Cantabria
07 Castilla y León
08 Castilla - La Mancha
09 Cataluña
10 Comunitat Valenciana
11 Extremadura
12 Galicia
13 Madrid, Comunidad de
14 Murcia, Región de
15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de
16 País Vasco
17 Rioja, La
18 Ceuta
19 Melilla - Estado del asunto judicial
1 Incoados
2 Sentencia firme - Grupos de edad 16
Y-LT18 Menos de 18 años
Y18T24 De 18 a 24 años
Y25T44 De 25 a 44 años
Y45T64 De 45 a 64 años
Y-GE65 65 y más años - Grupos de edad 20
Y-LT18 Menos de 18 años
Y18T19 De 18 a 19 años
Y20T24 De 20 a 24 años
Y25T29 De 25 a 29 años
Y30T34 De 30 a 34 años
Y35T39 De 35 a 39 años
Y40T44 De 40 a 44 años
Y45T49 De 45 a 49 años
Y50T54 De 50 a 54 años
Y55T59 De 55 a 59 años
Y60T64 De 60 a 64 años
Y65T69 De 65 a 69 años
Y70T74 De 70 a 74 años
Y-GE75 75 y más años - Infracciones penales 1
Homicidio y sus formas
Detenciones ilegales y secuestro
Torturas e integridad moral
Agresiones sexuales
Abusos sexuales
Allanamiento de morada
Quebrantamiento de condena
Otros delitos sin especificar
Faltas contra las personas
Otras faltas sin especificar - Medida cautelar
Atribución, uso y disfrute de la vivienda familiar
Determinación del régimen de comunicación
Determinación del régimen de prestación de alimentos
Otras disposiciones para la protección de menores e incapaces
Permuta de uso de vivienda
Determinación del régimen de custodia
Determinación del régimen de estancia
Suspensión de la patria potestad
Suspensión del régimen de visitas
Determinación del régimen de visitas
Otras medidas del artículo 158 del Código Civil
Otras medidas cautelares civiles sin especificar
Convivencia con otra persona, familiar o grupo educativo (menores)
Internamiento en centro de régimen adecuado (menores)
Libertad vigilada (menores)
Apud acta Obligación de comparecer
Libertad provisional
Uso de instrumento tecnológico de verificación de aproximación
Prohibición de acudir a un determinado lugar
Prohibición de aproximarse a determinadas personas
Prohibición de comunicarse con determinadas personas
Prohibición de residir en un determinado lugar
Prisión provisional
Retirada del pasaporte
Incautación de armas u otros instrumentos peligrosos
Intervención del vehículo
Suspensión de actividades
Otras medidas cautelares penales sin especificar - País de nacimiento 2
1 Nacidos en España
2 Nacidos en el extranjero
2.11 En el resto de Europa
2.12 En la Unión Europea sin España
2.02 En África
2.03 En América
2.04 En Asia
2.05 En Oceanía - Penas y medidas
Penas privativas de libertad
Responsabilidad personal subsidiaria
Localización permanente
Penas privativas de otros derechos
Inhabilitación absoluta
Inhabilitación especial para empleo
Suspensión de empleo o cargo público
Privación del derecho de conducir vehículos
Privación del derecho de tenencia de armas
Privación del derecho a residir en determinados lugares
Prohibición de aproximarse a la víctima
Prohibición de comunicarse con la víctima
Trabajos en beneficio de la comunidad
Expulsión del territorio nacional
Responsabilidad civil
Otras penas sin especificar
Medidas adoptadas contra menores
Asistencia a un centro de día
Convivencia con otra persona, familiar o grupo educativo (menores)
Internamiento abierto
Internamiento cerrado
Internamiento semiabierto
Internamiento terapéutico en régimen cerrado, semiabierto o abierto
Libertad vigilada
Prohibición de aproximarse o comunicarse con la víctima
Prestación en beneficio de la comunidad
Permanencia de fin de semana
Privación del permiso de conducir
Realización de tareas socio-educativas
Tratamiento ambulatorio
Otras medidas sin especificar
Medidas de seguridad y otras
Privación del derecho de tenencia de armas
Privación del derecho a residir en determinados lugares
Prohibición de aproximarse, comunicarse, etc, a la víctima
Trabajos en beneficio de la comunidad
Libertad vigilada
Someterse a programa tipo formativo
Obligación de seguir tratamiento médico externo
Obligación de comparecer
Custodia familiar
Internamiento en centro de deshabituación
Internamiento en centro educativo especial
Internamiento en centro psiquiátrico
Prohibición a contactar con personas
Obligación de mantener residencia
Prohibición a desempeñar ciertas actividades
Sujeción a programas específicos de reeducación y tratamiento
Tratamiento de deshabituación
Cumplir los deberes impuestos por el Juez
Participar en programas formativos - Provincias
02 Albacete
03 Alicante/Alacant
04 Almería
01 Araba/Álava
33 Asturias
05 Ávila
06 Badajoz
07 Balears, Illes
08 Barcelona
48 Bizkaia
09 Burgos
10 Cáceres
11 Cádiz
39 Cantabria
12 Castellón/Castelló
13 Ciudad Real
14 Córdoba
15 Coruña, A
16 Cuenca
20 Gipuzkoa
17 Girona
18 Granada
19 Guadalajara
21 Huelva
22 Huesca
23 Jaén
24 León
25 Lleida
27 Lugo
28 Madrid
29 Málaga
30 Murcia
31 Navarra
32 Ourense
34 Palencia
35 Palmas, Las
36 Pontevedra
26 Rioja, La
37 Salamanca
38 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
40 Segovia
41 Sevilla
42 Soria
43 Tarragona
44 Teruel
45 Toledo
46 Valencia/València
47 Valladolid
49 Zamora
50 Zaragoza
51 Ceuta
52 Melilla - Relación con la justicia
1 Víctimas
2 Personas denunciadas
2.1 Personas condenadas
2.2 Personas absueltas - Relación de parentesco
1 Padre/Madre
2 Hijo/Hija
3 Hermano/Hermana
4 Abuelo/Abuela
5 Nieto/Nieta
O Resto de relaciones - Sexo
1 Hombres
2 Mujeres - Tipo de relación personal
1 Cónyuge
2 Excónyuge
3 Novia
4 Exnovia
5 Pareja de hecho
6 Ex pareja de hecho
7 En proceso de separación - Tipo de violencia
1 Violencia de género
2 Violencia doméstica
- Comunidades y Ciudades Autónomas
- 3.3Sector coverage
The statistics cover all the matters with precautionary measures ordered and of final judgements that have been recorded in the Register during the reference year.
- 3.4Statistical concepts and definitions
- Accused person by domestic or gender violence.
Person aged 14 years old or over appearing as an accused person in a matter regarded as domestic violence or gender violence.
- Age
Age in years refers to the number of birthdays reached by the reference date, in other words, the age last birthday.
- Domestic Violence
This is physical or psychological violence carried out by a man or a women, on any of the persons listed in article 173.2 of the Criminal Code, with the exception of the cases in which that violence is carried out by the man on the woman who is or has been his spouse, or who has been linked to him by a sentimental relationship that is equivalent to marriage, even if there is no cohabitation, in which case, this would be considered gender violence. In this regard, article 173.2 of the Criminal Code lists the following persons who may be charged with physical or mental violence: those who were the spouse or against the person who is or was associated with him through an equivalent sentimental relationship, albeit without cohabiting, or against descendents, ascendents or siblings, be they biological, adopted or through affinity, of the spouse or cohabiting person, or against minors or incapable persons cohabiting with him or under his custody, tutelage, guardianship, foster care or common law care of the spouse or cohabiting person, or against persons protected by any relaltionship whereby they form part of the core of family cohabitation, as well as persons who, due to their particular vulnerability are subject to custody or care in public or private centres etc.
- Domestic violence or gender violence victim
Person appearing as the victim in a single matter regarded as domestic violence or gender violence.
- Gender violence
This physical or mental violence against a woman by a man who is or was her spouse or was associated with her through an equivalent sentimental relationship, even if there is no cohabitation. Also, according to point 4 of Article 1 of Organic Law 1/2004, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence, added by Organic Law 8/2021, on the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence, it includes violence perpetrated by these men against their family members or close relatives who are minors, with the aim of causing harm or damage to women.
- Interim measures
Judicial ruling that, where a criminal trial has been initiated in response to the committing of crimes or misdemeanours against life, physical or moral integrity, sexual freedom, freedom or safety, there arising an objective situation of risk to the victim, allows the judge to order his or her protection by adopting civil or criminal interim measures.
- Person convicted
Person aged 18 or over who has been convicted by final judgement (once or more) during the reference period for the commission of one or more offences.
- Person that is both the accused and the victim by domestic violence
Person aged 14 years old or more appearing both as the accused and the victim in a single matter regarded as domestic violence.
- Place of birth
Place where a person was born, in other words, the place of habitual residence of the mother at the time of birth, determined on the date of collecting data.
- Punishable offence imputed
Crime or misdemeanour that the accused is imputed with by the judge. As is established in Article 10 of the Criminal Code, crimes or misdemeanours are intentional or negligent actions and omissions that are punishable by law.
- Relationship of the victim with the accused in cases of domestic violence
It refers to the type of relationship (sentimental, family or other type of relationship) existing between the accused and the victim (limited to sex as opposed to gender violence).
- Relationship of the victim with the accused in cases of gender violence
It refers to the existing relationship (sentimental) between the accused (man) and the victim (woman) of: spouse, ex-spouse, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, de-facto partner, ex-de-facto partner or in the process of separating. Also, between the accused (male) and the victim (minor): children or other minors living together or under guardianship or care in a centre.
- Sentences and measures imposed
Penalties imposed by the authorities empowered by the law itself, with the aim of punishing the person who commits an offence.
- Sex
Sex refers to the biological sex of the person. According to the WHO, "sex" refers to biological and physiological features defining to men and women, whereas "gender" refers to the roles, behaviour, activities and attributes constructed socially that a specific culture regards as appropriate for men and women. In accordance with this description, the WHO regards "man" and "woman" as sex categories, whereas "male" and "female" are gender categories.
- Accused person by domestic or gender violence.
- 3.5Statistical unit
Victims and persons accused or convicted, involved in a matter of domestic violence or gender violence, with protective order or interim measures ordered.
- 3.6Statistical population
The population object of study of these statistics is the group of persons accused, of 14 years of age and over and the victims corresponding to matters with interim measures ordered, as well as convicted persons in final judgements, recorded in the Central Register for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims during the reference period.
- 3.7Reference area
From a geographical point of view, the statistics covers the entire national territory.
National and autonomous information is provided.
- 3.8Time coverage
There are results available on the INE website from the year 2011.
- 3.9Base period
The year 2011 is considered the base year of these statistics, given that that year is the first one in which they were published.
- 3.1Data description
- 4Unit of measure
- 4.1Unit of measure
Number of victims, persons reported, convicted, criminal offences allocated, interim measures ordered, punishments and other measures ordered.
- 4.1Unit of measure
- 5Reference period
- 5.1Reference period
These statistics have an annual frequency. The data refer to matters with interim measures ordered, and to final judgements, recorded in the Central Register for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims, during the calendar reference year.
Data referred to the period: Anual A: 2023
- 5.1Reference period
- 6Institutional mandate
- 6.1Legal acts and other agreements
The compilation and dissemination of the data are governed by the Statistical Law No. 12/1989 "Public Statistical Function" of May 9, 1989, and Law No. 4/1990 of June 29 on “National Budget of State for the year 1990" amended by Law No. 13/1996 "Fiscal, administrative and social measures" of December 30, 1996, makes compulsory all statistics included in the National Statistics Plan. The National Statistical Plan 2009-2012 was approved by the Royal Decree 1663/2008. It contains the statistics that must be developed in the four year period by the State General Administration's services or any other entity dependent on it. All statistics included in the National Statistics Plan are statistics for state purposes and are obligatory. The National Statistics Plan 2021-2024, approved by Royal Decree 1110/2020, of 15 December, is the Plan currently implemented. This statistical operation has governmental purposes, and it is included in the National Statistics Plan 2021-2024. (Statistics of the State Administration).
Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence are compiled based on the Partnership Agreement signed between the INE and the Ministry of Justice on 3 July 2007, updated and renewed on 21 November 2017, by which the Ministry of Justice provides the INE with the Court Records they own for the statistical use of the information therein.
- 6.2Data sharing
The exchanges of information needed to elaborate statistics between the INE and the rest of the State statistical offices (Ministerial Departments, independent bodies and administrative bodies depending on the State General Administration), or between these offices and the Autonomic statistical offices, are regulated in the LFEP (Law of the Public Statistic Function). This law also regulates the mechanisms of statistical coordination, and concludes cooperation agreements between the different offices when necessary.
- 6.1Legal acts and other agreements
- 7Confidentiality
- 7.1Confidentiality - policy
The Statistical Law No. 12/1989 specifies that the INE cannot publish, or make otherwise available, individual data or statistics that would enable the identification of data for any individual person or entity. Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society
- 7.2Confidentiality - data treatment
INE provides information on the protection of confidentiality at all stages of the statistical process: INE questionnaires for the operations in the national statistical plan include a legal clause protecting data under statistical confidentiality. Notices prior to data collection announcing a statistical operation notify respondents that data are subject to statistical confidentiality at all stages. For data processing, INE employees have available the INE data protection handbook, which specifies the steps that should be taken at each stage of processing to ensure reporting units' individual data are protected. The microdata files provided to users are anonymised.
In virtue of the partnership agreement signed between the INE and the Ministry of Justice in July 2007, updated and renewed on 21 November 2017, the Ministry of Justice sends the microdata file to the INE without including personal data of the persons recorded in the Register.
- 7.1Confidentiality - policy
- 8Release policy
- 8.1Release calendar
The advance release calendar that shows the precise release dates for the coming year is disseminated in the last quarter of each year.
- 8.2Release calendar access
The calendar is disseminated on the INEs Internet website (Publications Calendar)
- 8.3User access
The data are released simultaneously according to the advance release calendar to all interested parties by issuing the press release. At the same time, the data are posted on the INE's Internet website (www.ine.es/en) almost immediately after the press release is issued. Also some predefined tailor-made requests are sent to registered users. Some users could receive partial information under embargo as it is publicly described in the European Statistics Code of Practice
- 8.1Release calendar
- 9Frequency of dissemination
- 9.1Frequency of dissemination
The results of the Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence are disseminated annually.
- 9.1Frequency of dissemination
- 10Accessibility and clarity
- 10.1News release
The results of the statistical operations are normally disseminated by using press releases that can be accessed via both the corresponding menu and the Press Releases Section in the web
- 10.2Publications
All relevant documents related with the Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence (press release, detailed results and methodology) are published on the INE website:
- 10.3On-line database
INEbase is the system the INE uses to store statistical information on the Internet. It contains all the information the INE produces in electronic formats. The primary organisation of the information follows the theme-based classification of the Inventory of Statistical Operations of the State General Administration . The basic unit of INEbase is the statistical operation, defined as the set of activities that lead to obtaining statistical results on a determined sector or subject based on the individually collected data. Also included in the scope of this definition are synthesis preparation.
Results are available on the INE website (Society -> Security and Justice):
https://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/en/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736176866&menu=resultados&idp=1254735573206The publication is divided into 2 blocks: Gender Violence and Domestic Violence. Each block offers national results and by Autonomous Community, and about both cases initiated and final judgements. There is also an initial summary table with domestic and gender violence results as a whole.
Number of accesses AC1=284655
Number of accesses AC2=679
- 10.4Micro-data access
A lot of statistical operations disseminate public domain anonymized files, available free of charge for downloading in the INE website Microdata Section
No microdata files are available to users.
- 10.5Other
There is the option of requesting customised information from the INE Customer Service Area. For further information check the following link:
- 10.6Documentation on methodology
The methodology is available on the INE website:
Likewise, this standardised methodological report constitutes a detailed source of information on several of the methodological aspects of the statistics.
Metadata completeness - rate AC3= 100%
- 10.7Quality documentation
Sections 10.6 to 17 of this standardized methodological report contain the different quality aspects associated with these statistics. It is the user-oriented quality report for this statistic.
- 10.1News release
- 11Quality management
- 11.1Quality assurance
Quality assurance framework for the INE statistics is based on the ESSCoP, the European Statistics Code of Practice made by EUROSTAT. The ESSCoP is made up of 16 principles, gathered in three areas: Institutional Environment, Processes and Products. Each principle is associated with some indicators which make possible to measure it. In order to evaluate quality, EUROSTAT provides different tools: the indicators mentioned above, Self-assessment based on the DESAP model, peer review, user satisfaction surveys and other proceedings for evaluation.
In order to guarantee the reliability of the statistics, the possible systematic or random errors that could affect the quality of the information are detected and analysed during the annual processing of the statistics. The controls established for the treatment of the information are basically addressed to the socio-demographic variables (sex, age, country of birth and relations) to ensure coherence of the information between pairs of variables. Furthermore, the distribution of criminological variables are analysed in order to detect possible errors.
- 11.2Quality assessment
The legal basis on which the Central Register is constituted for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims as well as the obligation to inform the Register of the interim measured ordered, contribute to guaranteeing the exhaustiveness, coverage and quality of its content. Nevertheless, as to the future, and once the data of several years is available, it is expected to carry out the necessary interannual controls and comparisons so as to assess its quality and, where appropriate, improve the available information.
- 11.1Quality assurance
- 12Relevance
- 12.1User needs
The main users of these statistics are considered to be the following:
- Ministries and other public bodies (Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ministry of Employment and Social Security)
- Researchers and universities /departments of demographics, sociology statistics).
- Territorial administrations (Autonomous Communities, municipal councils, etc...)
- Companies and non-profit institutions (especially those which develop their work in the social scope).
- Individuals
The mentioned users basically use this information for socio-demographic and sociological studies and decision-making policies based on the available information.
- 12.2User satisfaction
The INE has carried out general user satisfaction surveys in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 and it plans to continue doing so every three years. The purpose of these surveys is to find out what users think about the quality of the information of the INE statistics and the extent to which their needs of information are covered. In addition, additional surveys are carried out in order to acknowledge better other fields such as dissemination of the information, quality of some publications...
On the INE website, in its section Methods and Projects / Quality and Code of Practice / INE quality management / User surveys are available surveys conducted to date.(Click next link)
User Satisfaction Surveys can be consulted on the website of INE in the category of: Methods and Projects -> Quality in the INE and Code of Practice -> INE Quality Management -> User surveys , where you can see the valuation of the sector "Society: Education, Culture, Health, Justice " which is framed in this statistical operation, which can orient to the opinion of users on it.
- 12.3Completeness
Even if no european regulations, Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence supply requested information in the National Statistical Plan.
Therefore, data completeness - rate R1= 100%
- 12.1User needs
- 13Accuracy and reliability
- 13.1Overall accuracy
These Statistics are exhaustive, therefore there are no sampling errors. Statistical use is made of the Central Register for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims based on the information included in the matters recorded with interim measures, and in final judgements, throughout the reference year. Coverage is complete. With respect to non-sampling errors, the necessary studies and controls are carried out in order to assess them and restrict their magnitude.
- 13.2Sampling error
This concept is not applicable for it is an exhaustive research.
Sampling error - indicators A1= Not applicable. - 13.3Non-sampling error
During information processing, non-sampling errors (non response, errors of completion, etc.) are detected and restricted where possible. Nevertheless, the obligation of the judicial bodies to provide the Register with the information regarding protective orders and interim measures ordered in domestic or gender violence matters, and of final judgements, as well as the measures adopted for the control, organisation and management of the Register itself, provide an additional guarantee that reinforces the authenticity and integrity of the data contained thereof. In all cases, and to reduce non-response to the minimum possible, the file is requested from the Ministry of Justice once a certain time has elapsed since the reference period. Therefore, the absence of information due to lack of communication with the Register in the established period is practically non-existent.
Over-coverage - rate A2= Not applicable
Common units - proportion A3= Not applicable
Unit non-response - rate A4= 0%
IItem non-response - rate A5= 0%
Imputation - rate A7= 0.16% (birthcountry of the victim)
- 13.1Overall accuracy
- 14Timeliness and punctuality
- 14.1Timeliness
This year, the results of the statistics have been published 5 months after the reference period of the information had finalised.
Time lag - first results TP1= Not applicable
Time lag - final results TP2= 5m - 14.2Punctuality
The dissemination of the results is carried out in accordance with the structural statistics availability calendar that the INE compiles and publishes each year.
Punctuality - delivery and publication TP3= The calendar is fulfilled
- 14.1Timeliness
- 15Coherence and Comparability
- 15.1Comparability - geographical
The availability of a methodology, a registration source of information and a common processing in the entire geographical scope, guarantees comparability of results between the different Autonomous Communities.
As there is no common statistical regulation, comparability with the rest of European Union countries depends on their respective legal frameworks as well as the methodology of the research performed in each country.
- 15.2Comparability - over time
Time comparisons may be carried out from the base year to reference year 2011. The number of comparable elements in the historical series is 13.
Length of comparable time series CC2= 13
- 15.3Coherence - cross domain
Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence includes the information of the Central register for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims, regarding matters with interim measures ordered, and to final judgements. Despite having a different approach, there are other sources of information that deal with domestic and gender violence studies (Secretariat of State for Social Services and Equality of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, General Council of the Judiciary (CGJP), etc). In general terms, the results of these sources are considered to be coherent with those obtained by the INE. They do, however, differ as a consequence of their different nature and the methodology applied in each case.
- 15.4Coherence - internal
Internal coherence in Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence is a consequence of the application of the same methodological criteria and a detailed analysis of the possible inconsistencies between their different variables.
- 15.1Comparability - geographical
- 16Cost and burden
- 16.1Cost and burden
The estimation of the budgetary credit necessary to finance these statistics, as set out in the 2024 Annual Programme, comes to a total of 64.98 thousand euros.
The burden on respondents is non-existent, since these statistics are obtained from the information provided by an administrative register.
- 16.1Cost and burden
- 17Data revision
- 17.1Data revision - policy
The INE of Spain has a policy which regulates the basic aspects of statistical data revision, seeking to ensure process transparency and product quality. This policy is laid out in the document approved by the INE board of directors on 13 March of 2015, which is available on the INE website, in the section "Methods and projects/Quality and Code of Practice/INE’s Quality management/INE’s Revision policy" (link).
This general policy sets the criteria that the different type of revisions should follow: routine revision- it is the case of statistics whose production process includes regular revisions-; more extensive revision- when methodological or basic reference source changes take place-; and exceptional revision- for instance, when an error appears in a published statistic-.
It is not expected to publish provisional results nor revise the published data. The data that is disseminated on these statistics is final.
- 17.2Data revision - practice
Not applicable data review in practice, since there is no progress nor interim results.
Average revision rate A6-MAR= Not applicable
Average revision rate A6-RMAR= Not applicable
- 17.1Data revision - policy
- 18Statistical processing
- 18.1Source data
The source data of these statistics have an administrative nature and are obtained from the Central register for the protection of domestic and gender violence victims, ownership of the Ministry of Justice .
The statistical concepts coincide with the legal concepts.
- 18.2Frequency of data collection
Data is obtained annually. The Ministry of Justice sends the files to the INE at once, during the first half of the calendar year.
- 18.3Data collection
The Ministry of Justice, as the entity responsible for the Register, annually provides the INE with the necessary information so that it may compile these statistics, in accordance with the register design provided by the INE. The information set forth in the files provided correspond to the cases (with the proceedings linked to each case), to the interveners (victims and accused with protective order or interim measures), to the relationship existing between the interveners, the punishable offences imputed, the interim measures ordered, and final judgements. The file does not contain the person's personal data.
In the case of cases initiated, the Ministry of Justice sends the INE the five files extracted from the Register with the following information:
Procedure file: identifiers of the case and of each of the procedures associated with the case, dates of initiation of both, characterisation of the case (domestic violence, gender violence or mixed), judicial body that has initiated the procedure and location (province and municipality) of the case. File of parties involved: identifiers of the procedure and of the persons who appear in the procedure in cases initiated, country of birth, province of birth, country of nationality, sex, date of birth, and categorisation of the parties involved (if reported, victims, or acquitted). Relationship file: identifiers of the procedure and of the persons, relationship of the victim with the reported, and whether or not they live together. Criminal offences file: identifiers of the procedure and of the persons, crimes or charged misdemeanours. Cautionary measures file: contains identifiers of the procedure and of the persons and cautionary measures ordered. In the case of final judgements, the Ministry of Justice sends the INE the five files extracted from the Register–in a similar way to the cases under investigation–with the following information:
Procedure file: identifiers of the case and of each of the procedures associated with the case, dates of initiation of both, characterisation of the case (domestic violence, gender violence or mixed), judicial body that has initiated the procedure and location (province and municipality) of the case. File of parties involved: identifiers of the procedure and of the persons who appear in the procedure in final judgement, country of birth, province of birth, country of nationality, sex, date of birth, date of finality, and categorisation of the parties involved (if convicted, victims, or acquitted). Relationship file: identifiers of the procedure and of the persons, relationship of the victim with the convicted or acquitted person, and whether or not they live together. Criminal offences file: identifiers of the procedure and of the persons, crimes or misdemeanours charged in a final judgement. Cautionary measures file: contains only procedures in final judgement corresponding to the refere.nce year, identifiers of the procedure and of the persons convicted, penalties and measures (of minors, security and others) in final judgement - 18.4Data validation
Once the information is received, a control process is carried out to ascertain the coverage of the information and its contents are analysed, with the objective of detecting possible inconsistencies. In addition, a control of the valid values of the different variables object of study is carried out.
- 18.5Data compilation
Once the validity of the file received is verified, the second phase consists in the recoding and transformation of specific variables (the punishable offences are recoded to the level of title and chapter of the Criminal Code; the measures are grouped, the age is transformed into age groups, the country of birth is grouped into continents ...).
The first proceeding assigned to each matter is selected, due to the fact that it provides the first time the incident occurred (perpetration of the imputed criminal offence) and indexing is carried out among the five files sent, which allow calculating the persons, relationship between the victim and the accused, criminal offences and interim measures.
In a subsequent phase, the inconsistencies among the variables are detected and corrected automatically. Once filtering has concluded, derived variables and results tables are obtained.
The last phase before dissemination of the results consists in analysing the aggregated information and correcting possible errors or inconsistencies not detected in the previous phases.
- 18.6Adjustment
The processed information comes from an administrative record, and no adjustments are necessary.
- 18.1Source data
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