Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Indicator 15.1.2. Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type

Sub-indicator Proportion of sites that are important for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, on farmland

Sub-indicator Proportion of important sites that are important for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, in forests

Sub-indicator Proportion of sites that are important for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, in pastures

Sub-indicator Proportion of sites that are important for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, in other types of lands

Sub-indicator Proportion of sites that are important for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, in settlements

Sub-indicator Proportion of sites that are important for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, in wetlands